Buzzword: Sabbath…


In Belovedhood, the idea of Sabbath is when the worldly “me-dentity” stands back or stands off to the side of the Heavenly “I AM-dentity”

Sabbath: from Latin sabbatum. Definition: to rest.

Rest: from Latin restare. Definition: remain, from re-back + stare to stand = to stand back

“When your outer “name” persona becomes the chillaxing self…the inner Beloved breath persona … the name above all names…becomes the front and center-stage self”


Unwind…in theory…from your Earthly-image… and instead…curl up next to your infinite and Heavenly-likeness”

You, as the Divine Beloved, are the inhale and exhale of LIFE-self…who, for all generations, stretches itself out to be the upstanding and sustaining self. Let us rely on this deep-seated and boundless Begotten-of-God being to be our comfort…to be our support.

Rest your image-of-man appearance and pick up the image-of-God air”


“Go ahead physical persona…take a Sabbath…take a breather…take a “self-cation”… for the inner Beloved LIFE-substance self is in the labor-hood”

Happy Friday Beloved!

“The hidden heart of the Divine Beloved… is the nucleus of my Adam/atom-like being” – u2rbeloved


How is the inner Beloved like a nucleus? They both are the central and most important part of an object. They both are the positively charged core of an atom/Adam/man.

A person holding a Red Apple with engraved heart

Nucleus: core, center, pivot, crux
Crux: “cross”, heart, essence, kernel
Kernel: substance, quintessence
Quintessence: soul, nature, spirit

The center/crux selfis the cross/heart self… that is the substance/soul self…that is the Divine Beloved self.

So...Nucleus=crux=kernel=quintessence=Beloved self


Here in Belovedhood, God’s hidden gems of truth, love and goodness are revealed by tracing His sacred words back to their original source and ancient meaning.

We can gain insight and the inner “how-tos” by following the pathway, the trail, the illuminated stepping stones of God’s text.

Approach God’s words of goodness from the perspective of the inner Sacred self. This celestial core/crux self knows how to interpret Heavens helpful hints.

As you try this technique on your own… you will soon notice an “awe-mazing” pattern develop. Pay attention to key words like: upright/lie down, put on/take off, go to/turn from, day/night, awake/asleep, my name/ your name, etc…all referring to the spiritual identity in relationship to the physical identity.

In simplified terms… sacred text points to the twist, the turn, the role reversal, the shift in how we are to perceive ourselves. We have forgotten our true “identity” as the Beloved. Our purpose is to win back the glory for that true self.


“See the spiritual self over the physical self…see our many faces as the one Divine face…see all of humanity as the One Blessed being who is LIFE” 

As you know, by worldly interpretation, some sacred text will sound ominous… but you Beloved, do not judge by worldly standards…you know God created all things good…which includes His words…each and every one of them. Follow the way of the word, it’s meandering meaning, until you reach it’s original goodness…this is key.acorns-green-hands-heart-mood-hd-wallpaper

Let us use the words “take up your cross” as an exampleYes, there is a “good news” version of them. 

Take up means to gather, to elevate, to acquire…and cross, as mentioned earlier, means essence/central point …so to take up your cross, in Belovedhood, is a reminder for us to raise up, in our awareness, the cross self…the crux self, the spiritual core self…the heart and nucleus self…the inner Beloved self.

The cross now takes on a new “identity”…it’s image transforms from being a burden that is physical to becoming the being that is the Beloved. It takes off the symbol of the suffering self and puts on the symbol of the true inner self…the indivisible God created offspring self.

“In Belovedhood, the cross (crux/heart/kernel) is not a thing…it is a being…who is the inner Divine self.  Just like Life, in Belovedhood, is not a thing…it too is a being… who’s name is the Beloved”

Follow the words of God that he sprawled out in front of you…they are your signposts. Seek out the good, propitious and positively charged meaning behind them and they will lead to God’s ultimate destination for you…the self-discovery that you are the Divine Beloved…the intended recipient of all of God’s goodness.

African woman with hands crossed over heart

“As the Divine Beloved self…I AM the core self… I AM the “cross” self…I AM the quintessential self… I AM the spiritual substance self”

TGIF. You truly are the Beloved… “cross” my “heart”



Buzzwordz in Belovedhood…Heaven and where the hell is it:)


Definition: A place regarded in various religions as the abode of God (or the gods) and the angels, and of the good after death, often traditionally depicted as being above the sky.

Heaven: derived from several languages all referring to “sky”



Sky: derived from Middle English, cloud, from Old Norse skȳ cloud; akin to Old English scēo cloud



Cloud: derived from Old english “clud” which means “mass of rock” or Earth



Earth: the present abode of humankind; the substance of the land surface; soil, clay; the substance of the human body.

So if Heaven is where the Divine dwells could we say:

the Beloved who resides in Heaven…resides in the sky…which is in the cloud… which is in the clud… which is in the mass of our earthly being?

Is it possible that our flesh…the one “made of clay”… the very body that returns to “earthly dust”… is the clud…that is the cloud..that is the sky…that is the heaven?


Could God’s heavenly and omnipresent essence…his pervading breath and not ours…be what dwells among us… in the very midst of our body…engirdled within our being…at arms length or at hand?

So when asked where do we find Heaven? In Belovedhood…the answer is this…

Heaven=sky=cloud=clud=mass of Earth=you

Heaven is within youas the true Beloved and innermost Divine self.

Buzzwordz…Fear of the Lord and Gnashing of Teeth


Buzzwordz…Fear of the Lord.

Once awakened to the innermost Divine Beloved Self…the human heart becomes infused with God’s powerful longings and passionate desires. This heart, pierced with Divine love, will not ignore (for very long… or ever want to be released from) the appeal and embrace of Gods love.

The overwhelming love and goodness of God…stirs the Beloved heart with an inner angst and a restlessness…until it responds to His promptings and inspirations. The heart enraptured by Divine love can refuse Him nothing.. Even if that means pulling the physical body places where… it fears and trembles to go.


Buzzwordz…Gnashing of Teeth.

Dust the cobwebs off of the Divine Beloved within…clean your “inner” house and declutter all that is not aligned with God’s good nature. Toss out the misguided worldly beliefs of despair, anxiety, lack, sadness, etc. For they have become all too comfortable taking up residence within your being.

It is time for them to go…don’t let those misaligned beliefs “possess” you for another minute. They won’t leave easily…they don’t want the party to end…they will grumble, they will complain, they will “gnash their teeth”…but if they stay you will have no room left for the light, love, goodness, truth and wisdom… that the new and improved resident, the Divine Beloved Self, brings.

Happy Friday Boo-loveds!

Buzzwordz: Passion… with a twist of the Beloved


“Passion is the Divine fervent fruit, hand pressed by a loving God, to be the drink of the Beloved’s cup” – u2rbeloved

The heart of the Beloved is impassioned with God’s love.  This spiritual self allows all of it’s senses to become full of the Divine until they bubble over with God’s effervescence. The Beloved’s heartfelt passion is a suffering passion whose cause is the bitter taste of denial by the worldly self…ultimately this type of passion revives, restores and transforms the watered down vigor of the physical self into it’s wholehearted, full-bodied, sparkling and spiritual sumptuousness.

Warning Beloved’s: Consuming the Passion of the Divine may cause the state of rapture and utter bliss of God’s intoxicating and ardent love.




Imagine that your divine, spiritual, Beloved self has already been everything, seen everything and experienced everything. It has lived it’s life as everyone from the beginning of creation.  It has suffered every trial, disease, death, war, hate, famine, and loss. It has experienced riches, fame, praise, position, worship, and love. It has been every age, circumstance, race, job, gender, etc. Rest in the comfort of this knowledge.

As the divine Beloved self, you have experienced the worst and the best….and guess what? You have survived it all. You, as the Beloved, spiritual self, will continue to survive eternally and have perpetual life in abundance. Therefore, you can and should be afraid of nothing…this is the true meaning of freedom.