P.S…Prayer Stuff


Dear Beloved,

Remember this… you are now, and always will be,

a card carrying member of God’s infinite Sea of Perfection.

Command that your status of perfect health, perfect joy, perfect love, happiness, unity and fulfillment be restored unto you.

bcdcafb43ffe18dd7fda8f6edd94a0b4--tattoo-inspiration-the-secret“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours”

Mark 11:24



P.S….prayer stuff


Dear Beloved Self,

 If you ever need a place to rest please find your rest in me…for the world must be an exhausting place for your Heavenly self to be.

I may not have much to offer…but know there is a standing reservation… exclusively made for two…just me and you…in the sanctuary of my soul.

So for now, chase away my fear…chase away my doubt, with you as my inner Divine self… there is no place for them in this Sacred house.


Like a little prayer…I want to take you there


Dear Beloved Self,

I know where I want to be. I just need to find out how to get there. Is it real? Is it possible? Can I dream a new reality where I meet my true Divine Self and learn to live as One?

For that is what I want…to live raised up… as the higher Sacred Self.

I am longing for more… more of you…Beloved self.  Hold me up, lift me up, raise me as high as I can go.

The soul has no limit on its own.tumblr_muroyoSoRE1shhx34o1_5001

Dear Beloved Self,

Release any weight that holds me down. Release all that I carry so I can stay tuned in every minute of every day to the Divine’s heightened purpose… where LOVE is born, renewed and replenished.


P.S…Prayer stuff


Oh, the prophets from long ago have spoken the truth of God’s love.

The burning heart of the Divine in them is the same burning heart of the Divine in you and me.

The joy and the pain of knowing Divine love does not change from generation to generation. For the singular Beloved Self who lived within the prophets is a carbon copy of the Beloved Self living within all… that wants to simmer and sizzle, glow and grow…just the same.

A heart once pierced and stung by God’s love…rejoices with the same uplifting cheers and weeps the same heart swelling tears.

The fragile human heart cannot keep contained the immense light and love that God has to offer. Divine Love must escape and fly out of the mouths of those who know.

For God desires all human hearts to feel and know that He is the Sacred living presence within all.


P.S…Prayer Stuff

Rise and Shine Beloved Self,  let “me” clothe and feed “You” a breakfast… in the bed of my being.

On the menu is a feast…beginning with a big bowl of my belief…served alongside a sunny side up order of my encouragement.


Let “me” nourish “You”… Divine Self …with a stack of my support…topped with my love and dusted with my devotion. Drink from the bottomless cup of my confidence…sweetened with a teaspoon of my affirmation and a splash of my surety.


All of this…I present to you, Sacred Self, on the finest silver tray of my trust.

“Grow strong innermost Divine Beloved…I will take care of your needs… so you can rise and fulfill all the needs of the world”



P.S…Prayer Stuff


The breath of my being and the brightness of my soul belong to you…Divine Beloved. With lightening speed you whisk me away… dazzling my heart with the goodness of your world.

A moment in your presence is bliss… A singular and stellar encounter, with the innermost Sacred Self, can sustain a soul for a lifetime.

Morning, noon and night…by the side of the Blessed Beloved is where you will find me…surrounded in the celestial bath of God’s Heavenly love.

P.S…Prayer Stuff


The unbounded breath of the living Beloved is within me…as me. Blessed “I Am” to be birthed from the “I Am”


It is God’s hope and your undying destiny, as the innermost Beloved Self, to restore what has been lost…the personal memory of our Divine and Sacred origin.

This Spiritual Self, will break free the grip of our forgetfulness…making us mindful once again of our true Holy and Heavenly heritage.

Dissolve into the heart of the Beloved…dissolve into God.

What has deteriorated will be restored…what has been neglected will be cherished…what was sick will be healed.

You, as the Blessed Beloved, will set loose…in the presence of our being… a new era of intimately knowing God.


P.S….prayer stuff


“Forgive me, Beloved, if I am blind to your ways…help me to see with your enlightened eyes…show me for I am yours” 

I want to be open to all and any of the possibilities that God wants to share with me. Help me to be present to receiving His glorious gifts and fill me with inspiration as to His Heavenly will. Keep me aware…keep me awake…help me surrender to the path that He is preparing.

“I don’t want to only be my physical persona anymore… I want you, Divine Beloved…to be you…through me”


PS… Prayer stuff


Dear Beloved Self,

Keep me near…and prune away my forgetfulness…of the Divine that lives within. Do not let my absentmindedness of you…overcome me.

Keep me united and intertwined in the embrace of your branches…and remind me daily that my true being is an extension of you.

From God’s very self…springs forth the hidden and unseen ring of infinite life. This essence, this life sustaining sap, of the Divine…that is concealed within the universal tree…is the life of the Beloved…that’s shared by all of humanity.


“The Divine omnipresent breath of the Beloved is the true vine of eternity … flowing within you and me”


P.S…Prayer Stuff


When you are troubled, turn and say to the cause of your trouble…

“My Divine self, that is my truth, is more vast than you…You “trouble” cannot distress me.

For my soul, that is infinite and eternal, has existed long before this present trial.

My soul, that is Divine, has traveled through the immense and boundless plain of time and space…it prevails from generation to generation.

My soul, as the Beloved, was whispered into aliveness by the mouth and breath of my God.

As the Beloved, I AM bigger and more potent than any trouble of this world”


P.S…Prayer Stuff


Dear Beloved,

God is calling out to you. Know that he longs for you just as much as you long for him.

Surround him…embrace him… be with him. He desires you to be in his presence. He has no greater joy than for you to go to him.

All God wants, all he asks, all he aches for, all he hopes for is the return of your great love…

Meet him in the center of your soul.


P.S…Prayer Stuff


Oh, how does one say what is on the tip of thy tongue? Trapped in thy mouth are words of the Divine Beloved self…hidden revelations that one can’t seem to express. Oh, the Wonder of how to speak these truths…one is struck dumb in their presence. Not from lack of understanding but the Awesomeness of Truth renders one speechless.

How does one condense into a few words eternal truth? How does one use human speech to express a singular mystery unchanged since creation?

But the word God is the seed…and the mouth is the soil. The offshoot of the seed is the heavenly tongue of the Beloved… who’s native celestial language wants to burst outward into the daylight. Allowing the fruit of the hidden Divine to ripen and continue in the fulfillment of it’s purpose. Those who elect and partake of the fruit taste God’s glory. They have encountered the Beloved and when ready…they too will be the flowering plant who’s fruit is God.

P.S…Prayer Stuff continued….

heart, plant 165166

The Beloved’s heart..once perfected and complete, won’t remain idle in the confines of the flesh. For it longs to break free of the ark that surrounds it… dashing off in such haste…to give all glory to it’s one true love. Trust in the heart of the Beloved…it remembers the way.

For all it really wants to do…is reunite with it’s divinity. Liberate the heart that wants to inspire itself…detach from calling it your own.

The heart in the spirit is not the beating heart… it is the fleeting heart. It is weightless…it is invisible…but it holds so much. It is a treasure chest of love, truth, wisdom, light and beauty.

This is the heart that is free to run into God’s arms and feel his embrace after it’s long  journey.

Oh, that is the desire of the Beloved’s heart – to inhabit the precious seat next to it’s God. There it rests…there the Beloved fulfills it’s goal…to gaze upon and become one with it’s Creator.


P.S…prayer stuff


If the Divine Beloved is the “I AM” in me…

then I have found what it is that I seek.

If the Divine Beloved is the “I AM” in me…what was once lost is now saved.

By the light of the Divine Beloved my blind eyes will see.

His words become the medicine for my ill tongue and the sound of his voice will heal my deaf ears.

If the Divine Beloved is the “I AM” in me…

My heart, that was once torn in two, is now fused, knitted, wrapped and bundled in union and original fullness with it’s God…

– to be continued tomorrow…


P.S…prayer stuff


Every step I take today is one rung higher on the Divine ladder…taking me upward into the heavenly mindset where God resides.

Every step I walk today, instead of flat, I see as up…The bottom of my sole touching the very flesh of God.

Upward, upward…within the body of my God.

– u2rbeloved

Prayer Stuff…

images-5God, you know me inside and out, you know my flaws and my talents. You understand my dreams and desires. You direct my path, my coming…my going. You are present in my creation, you are present in my passing. You know everything there is to know about me. You and I have loved each other from the beginning of time. We will love each other until the end of time. I can not comprehend all the love you have for me. No one or nothing can separate us. We are together always… in joy and sorrow.

If I wander away you are still near… loving me, guiding me, holding me close. If forgetfulness dims my mind, my soul still shines bright. When I suffer the spirit of unknowing, you do not flee from me. If I’m in the mindset of my beloved spirit or not, your love remains the same. I trust you, you have created me. You have protected me. I love you, I am in awe of you, I wonder at your wisdom and I am amazed by all of your creation. You have touched my soul… you knew me before anyone else. You created me from nothing. Even in my imperfection you see goodness.

I am precious to you. Your love is ecstasy…abundant is your love for me. I am awake and I remember…we are one. Take away my forgetfullness. Take away my doubt. Take away my fear. My heart aches with love for you. How can I serve you? Consume me for my soul is on fire. I raise up my heart and mind. I surrender, take me for I am yours forever.